Customer Testimonials

“Thank you so much for all your help and for being honest. Really appreciate it. Made my day!”
Becky S

“As a single female l can say l felt totally confident in the service l received, down to earth genuine guys, great pricing”
Emma T

“These are my go to for any tyres or servicing now”
Derrick F

“Experienced staff and very professional service with a friendly atmosphere top marks boys”
Stephen W

Such a friendly place. I called on a saturday morning with a flat tyre, they jumped on this straight away and I was back on the road in no time. Will definitely recommend this place to others.
Angela D

‘Great service for a good price. I broke my wheel brace trying to undo nuts that had been over tightened. Gave Brett Tyres a call, they had someone round, took the wheel off replaced the damaged tyre all within a short time and at a good price. I will definitely use them again.
Roger S

Spot on as always wouldn’t go anywhere else’
Sarah W
